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Category: Coaching

What is Energy Psychology?

What is Energy Psychology?

Energy Psychology: Definition Energy psychology addresses the relationship of energy systems to emotion, cognition, behavior and health. These systems include electrical activity of the nervous system and heart, meridians, biophotons, biofields, etc. Although psychological functioning involves thought, emotions, chemistry, neurology, genetics and environmental aspects, at an essential level bioenergy is also involved. Just as an audiotape or computer hard drive contain information in electromagnetic fields, similarly our brain and body operate electromagnetically.  Energy psychology is applicable to a wide range…

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I believe a company is as successful as its staff is happy and functioning at their peak. The stronger and better functioning the work force – the more successful the company. We are first and foremost energetic beings then a physical body (which has been proven scientifically). By this I mean that we will first FEEL an imbalance before it affects or registers in our physical bodies and manifests as a disease or medical condition. You must realise that our…

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Grief Release and Counselling

Grief Release and Counselling

Powerful for releasing of ALL grief and loss you have experienced in your life thus far. Many people when suffering a loss, whether through divorce or death, get frozen in that moment of shock related to the loss and feel unable to move on with their lives. This can be very debilitating. Each new loss is compounded on any previous losses, which makes for great difficulty in dealing with the present loss (like “the straw that broke the camel’s back”)….

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Clearing Sabotaging Patterns

Clearing Sabotaging Patterns

What keeps me in this financial situation? What stops me from getting that promotion? Why do I keep attracting the wrong partners? Why does this health condition persist? Why does this keep happening to me? My personal experience of this has been “mind blowing” and that’s why I now include it as a MUST HAVE session for anyone who is SERIOUS about shifting their stuff! We only develop filters at the age of eight. Before that they are undeveloped, and…

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Chucking the Whole Onion

Chucking the Whole Onion

I recommend this session for someone who is coming to me for the very first time for a session, as this session creates a huge shift in your life view and circumstances. For every experience one has had in life, there is an emotional charge related to the experience (good or bad). When a good feeling emotional charge is triggered that’s great, however when a negative emotional charge is triggered, it affects us in a negative way. For example, someone…

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Teenage Depression

Teenage Depression

Stress in children’s lives due to effect of negative situation at home – stress with parents – peer pressure – pressure regarding grades – effect of medication, anaesthetic, sports injuries. How energy healing keeps them at optimum level for school and sports. Unable to change circumstance, but energy healing helps the response to be different to the same circumstances… not in tilt, where there is an exaggerated response to something small. It is not so much that things will be…

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Spiritual Counselling

Spiritual Counselling

Spiritual Counselling – is for counsel on the things that you feel you cannot get clearly because you are too close to the situation, and for guidance on different life issues. Life Coaching – is for guidance for your life’s path and purpose, including career counselling and business counselling, where you need a “business buddy” to bounce certain business proposals or ideas or concepts off, to make a clearer decision. Soul Coaching – is guidance for your spiritual path and…

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