Testimonial on Transformation Workshop
Dear Allison,
I would just like to say a big THANK YOU for the Transformation Workshop, which challenged me and gave me great “aha moments,” which helped me to see, recognise, feel and then work on fixing my unknown problems.
I had huge insights into each area of the course, namely: Health, Work, Relationships and Money.
So, to start with the Health part: I had over the last 9 months put on 8 kgs of weight, yet hadn’t really done anything to justify this additional weight. But it was also “where” I had put on this weight that was puzzling me. Once we started on the course it became very clear to me that I had been “protecting myself” and “feeling dis-empowered and fearful” (the weight was on the upper abdomen, which was very unusual for me). I was going through a really tough time at work, with the addition of a new boss, basically half my age and he was on a definite power trip. So that was my first aha moment with my health.
I also had bad bronchitis twice during the year, which took its toll on my health. Again, this was revealed to me as an inflamed family environment, which was a problem I was having with my daughter at home.
Onto the Work section: I felt very threatened and so miserable about this new boss that I was contemplating leaving my current job, (again very upsetting as I had started this business with my sister 12 years before, and felt that I couldn’t work “in my company” any more). After doing the Work part of the course, so much was revealed to me about my own hindrances within the workplace. So, from resenting this boss and questioning myself on work issues, I now find myself loving my job again, and have totally released all resentment towards my boss, AND ended up becoming the “best rep” with sales exceeding all targets!
With regards to the Relationship and Money sections: with both I had great aha moments and now money has been steadily flowing into my life in most unexpected ways.
Each area of the course was amazing and I have made excellent progress in all areas and avenues of my life. Clearing these issues was life-changing for me, and I really just wanted to share my experiences with you and others, and to say that sometimes it can seem “hard work” when you have to deal with emotional issues, but it is so worthwhile when you release these blocks in your life.
I would highly recommend this workshop!
With all my love
Janine Monaghan
Cape Town, South Africa