Testimonial: Post Graduate Exams
Testimonials where consultations assisted with Post Grad exams
Stories where consultation assisted with exams:
Sessions with “Joan”: Saw her for 3 x 1-hr sessions 2002. Last 2 sessions were a couple of days before each exam.
Story: This was 4th time she was writing the Board exam for CA (if she failed these she would not be permitted to re-write – so this was her last chance.
Turns out that dad died in 1993, and step-mom (who was like real mom to her) died 2 years earlier (2000) just 2 weeks before she was due to write these exams for the first time. (Had never dealt with either loss.) Each time exams came up it triggered the loss and so grief overshadowed the studying.
Issues included:
Studying – unable to focus
Couldn’t retain information
Looking at notes as if she had never seen it before
Tired all the time
Outcome: Passed exams.
Session with “Vlad”: saw him for 1 x 1-hr session Oct 2003
Issues included:
Lack of confidence in the system
Story: Last opportunity for oral medical examination for Specialist in Internal Medicine. This was 3rd time he was taking this exam – qualified as medical doctor overseas but in order to practise in South Africa needed to specialise in a particular field. Chose Internal Medicine, but in the previous 2 oral exams he was tested on Paediatrics and Gynaecology where he felt victimised so that he would fail as it was not what he was supposed to be tested on. So was very negative about upcoming exam. Told him to get the same feeling as when he qualified as a medical doctor and see himself being tested on the correct subject. He was very negative about it all so I thought he wouldn’t take my advice but clearly he did (I had said to him that he had nothing to lose by doing it my way, but everything to lose if he did as before) because Jonathan (who had referred “Vlad” to me) told me that he had passed the oral examination and was now qualified as a Specialist in Internal Medicine!
Outcome: Passed
Sessions with Phillip Hoare: Saw him for 3 x 1-hr sessions 2002 – 2003
Issues included:
Studying – unable to focus
Exams – going blank, not focussed
I was preparing to study for a Post Grad Exam again, as I was attempting it for the 2nd time, as I was not cracking the 2 final subjects of the Diploma. Like all exams it was based on time. I suppose if you could write short hand one would be able to pass with ease.
I had come to Allison to try and get me focussed on the task at hand and that was not just the actual studying, it was the exam itself. The challenge was to be calm, focussed and mostly, not get overwhelmed with the time issue whilst writing the exam. Now we all know when they say you now have 1 hour left and suddenly you hit this blank and can’t remember a thing…that’s me!!!
On arrival, I had to choose these bottles of a combination of colours (Aura-Soma). Now I really thought that this woman was a bit cooked, but at this stage I was desparate to pass my exams. After choosing them it was like she just uncovered information that was relevant at that time in my life…..that got my attention. There were a couple of things that I needed to understand and deal with which were causing me not to focus. The main thing was the loss of my brother a couple of years back as well as some other obstacles. It’s quite amazing once you deal with your obstacles that there are so many other things that just fall into place. So, after all it was not just the exams that I was getting on track, it was many other aspects of my existence that was been rectified!!! Allison also gave me energy healing which balanced me energetically and that was the best part, you just lie back and relax and she does the rest. You really just want to have a sleep while she is doing what she does best.
When writing the exam I was focused, calm and getting the exam done. I had finished the 4 hour exam with 30 mins to spare and having good, well thought out answers. The bottom line is that I passed!
I really believe that consulting with Allison was way more than what I had expected and I was very impressed with her. Now who would think that a couple of colourful bottles and energy balancing would bring so much more Colour into your Life!!!
South Africa