Testimonials on Energy Healing for children, teenagers and young adults

Testimonials on Energy Healing for children, teenagers and young adults

Benefits of Energy Healing for children, teenagers and young adults

Sessions with Nicola Siepman: Been seeing her since Dec 2004

Issues included:
Sore stomach
Best friend being mean to her
Favourite teacher leaving – devastated
Bullying at school
Very sensitive to animals (said she could feel what the animal was feeling… if it felt sad she could feel it)

Mom – Jenny Siepman:
I started taking my daughter Nicola to Allison when she was 4 years old because she constantly had a sore stomach. She carried her emotions in her stomach and I was aware that no medicine could solve what was going on in her head and heart. Nicola has always felt very relaxed around Allison, to a point that she wanted to see Allison on her own. After each session with Allison, there was a definite shift in her. She would be calmer and more sure of herself and what she needs and wants from her life. From an early age she has always been strong-willed and it is great that she has someone that can assist her on her life’s journey.
I appreciate that Allison has always treated all Nicola’s concerns as very real and not just a phase that she was going through. Nicola always comments that Allison really listens to her. So thank you Allison for all that you have done and continue to do for Nicola in future.

March 2011

Nicola Siepman:
My name is Nicola and I am 10 years old. I have attended sessions with Allison Scott since I was 4 years old. You can go to Allison to talk about the simplest things: I would get a sore stomach, and things were upsetting me. My mom took me to see Allison and we talked and she let me play with and choose coloured stones and bottles that I liked.

I have since seen her a few more times and I know I can tell her whatever is on my mind. She always thinks of a way to help me. Every time I leave I know what I am going to do about any situation. Allison has really and truly helped me. Thanks so much.
March 2011

Sessions with Jaun-Pierre Gareth: Saw him 1 x 2 ½ hr session in July 2010 (Grandmother: Margaret)
Age: 12 yrs (Dreams of being a movie director.)

Issues included:
Low self – esteem

Outcome: Returned to UK 9 July 2010. Settled down nicely, happy, improved relationships (due to attitude change by all parties), started new school Sept, happy at school, in November nominated by grade head resulting in letter commending his effort and behaviour by principal (school is top 12 in UK – arts and performance).

Testimonials from Jaun-Pierre Gareth:
I would like to thank Allison for being so kind and gentle towards me. Allison helped me to gain my confidence and to be able to confront and speak to my father in South Africa. Allison helped me to clear my muddled thoughts and realise that my place and home was back in the UK with my mum, dad and sister, not in South Africa with my real father. Allison also helped me to understand why my mom and I fight. Allison helped me to be more open and not to be afraid of others. Allison helped me to believe in myself and trust in myself. Allison helped me to see that life here on earth is so short and if I really want to get something I must keep gaining my confidence and carry on until I have achieved my goals.

Thank you
Best wishes,
Jaun-Pierre Gareth

Testimonial: Grandmother – Margaret
I took my 12 year old grandson, Gareth, to Allison. He was struggling with major life affecting decisions, which a 12 year old should not have been faced with. He was very traumatised. He had to decide whether to return to his mom, stepdad and sister in the UK or stay with his dad and stepmom in South Africa. Allison took him through a number of processes to help him understand his own feelings on the matter. He opened up to her completely, which he normally finds difficult to do. I sat there listening and was amazed at what took place between them. After the session he chose to go back to the UK and felt that it was in his best interest at this point in time. He has been back in the UK for eight months now and is a very happy child. He is doing well at school, which was another fear he had to deal with as he had been home schooled in the UK and was at a government school in South Africa. (Too many changes for someone so young.) He loves all of his family and was very stressed at having to make this choice. Allison guided him without judgement. Allison is very approachable, caring and loving, therefore children and adults alike respond to her in a positive way. I know she will help many as it is her life’s work to be there for people of all ages who are in need. I am very grateful for the help Allison gave Gareth.

Kind Regards,

Update May 2011: Gareth got two distinctions at school and now wants to get A’s in all subjects so he can go to university. I can’t believe how well he is doing. I am so proud of him, thanks again for putting him on the right path.

Love, light and blessings,

Sessions with Dylan: Saw him for 1 x 2-hr sessions in June 2002
(Mother: Sharlene)
Age: 17 yrs old

Story: At 14 years old girlfriend was killed in car crash. Group of friends had gone ice skating and were travelling home in 2 cars. Dylan was not in the same car as his girlfriend. The car she was in was involved in an accident where the car was hit on the side where she was sitting and she was killed. Each year after that, the girl’s mother would get the friends together to look at photos and videos of her. Dylan had memorabilia of her all over his room including photos and the funeral notice with her picture on it. Whenever Dylan’s mom tried to hide the things Dylan would freak out to such an extent that she would just give it all back to him. All this helped keep him from releasing the grief.

At the time that he came to me for a session aged 17, he had not had a girlfriend since and was not interested in girls. His mom was really concerned as he had a loss of appetite; wanting to sleep all the time; lost his sense of humour and fun; not wanting to socialise with friends yet he was a very social person. Was concerned that he may be depressed.

Issues included:
Loss of appetite
Sleeping all the time
No socialising (yet had always been social person)
Teenage depression

Outcome: About 2 weeks after the session Dylan’s mom called to say that there was a complete change in him and that he had put all the memorabilia away of his own accord. He met a girl in late 2003 whom he got engaged to in March 2011 and married April 2012.

Sessions with 3 Sisters: Saw them for 1 x 1- hr session each in Oct 2005
(Mother: Jen)   Ages: Emily: 10  Sarah-Jo: 7  Ruth: 5

Story: There had been a robbery in the house and no-one heard a thing so girls thought that they could have been taken and the parents would not have known until morning.

Issues included:

Emily: agitated, grumpy, very angry
Sarah-Jo: agitated, grumpy
Ruth: just needed clearing

Outcome: Nightmares gone.

Session with Daniel: Saw him for 1 x 2 hr session 2010
(Dad: David)

Issues included:

Outcome: Nightmares gone

Daniel (9years old) was having bad dreams and not sleeping well. We took him to Allison Scott who worked on him. At first there seemed to be no change but after a medium period of time we suddenly realized that the bad dreams were gone and he is now sleeping fine.

Thank you Allison.
Cape Town

Story: Where childhood trauma manifested as disease in adult

Session with “Mary”: Saw her 1 x 2-hr session September 2003

Age: 38 yrs

Issues included:
Rheumatoid arthritis

Story: brother had teased her all her childhood – hated coming home from school – hates brother with a passion (her age at time of session was 38yrs old, happily married with 3 young children) – resented her mother because mother did nothing about teasing: just said she was over-sensitive and needs to get over it. (Thought she’d rather die than forgive her brother- I explained to her forgiveness does not mean “what you did is okay” its “I am no longer prepared to carry around the pain for your action”.) Told her about white light and setting intention for medication as was resistant to taking Cortisone which she had been advised to take by her doctor.

Outcome: a couple months later, went for test – showed RA had stopped progressing; saw mother Oct 2004 said recent tests had shown that RA had started regressing (improving condition).

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