Testimonials on Abundance Workshop

Testimonials on Abundance Workshop

Abundance Workshop Testimonials:

I attended The Art of Manifesting Abundance Workshop which I found awesome. On the last day, when asked to think of a “wish list”, my thoughts flashed to a new car. I gave it no further attention but four days later my husband mentioned that he had been looking in the newspaper for another car (for himself). I was quite shocked at this “co-incidence”. Within a week we were visiting a home in Durban North where a much newer Mercedes was advertised for sale. We made a decision immediately and the following morning went to pay for, and collect this “new” car.

It passed through my mind that my Wish list was a new car for me and not for my husband. I gave it no more thought.

The following week my husband asked me to meet him at Toyota to look at a new car. I was gob-smacked to say the least but went along. After a few days of negotiating, we drove out of the Toyota showroom with a brand new Camry.

So that was two weeks after the course – 2 new cars and all I had done was give the thought some attention and religiously read the Prayer for the manifestation of Abundance every day.

Wendy Middleton
Hillcrest, South Africa

By the time I got to the second workshop with Allison I was ready to spit into the eye of the Universe, was shouting out loud at my angels and guides because all my ducks had wound up in a whirlpool! This time I attended The Art of Manifesting Abundance Workshop and I thought I was there just so that I could experience it with a view to hosting it at the centre… I was wrong! I was there because I needed to get out of MY way. Two things happened at this workshop that took me by surprise. The first was that by the second morning I no longer felt any need to write things down. I felt as though everything Allison was saying and doing was being imprinted on my Being, stamped into my active memory. That, I have since discovered, is what learning by energy transmission is all about… the ability to transmit information, understanding and knowledge energetically. I don’t know if Allison knew that she was doing it… but she did it so darn well that when I read any of the other notes she gave us I can hear her voice in my head talking the participants through the process.

The second thing was how the processes in the workshop stimulate shifts and changes on various levels on with various issues simultaneously. I thought I was attending a workshop about abundance on every level but I actually attended a workshop about Me, life in general, perception AND abundance. Again, even as the focus of the discussion or process is abundance, the common sense extends so easily and naturally to other areas of one’s life that even without recognising it, it is possible to adjust them. Allison is an excellent facilitator, able to ensure that discussions do not go off at a tangent, full of real life examples and quite succinct in her approach. I loved that this was not a life skills workshop that seeks to break you down into little pieces of psyche before building you up again in the general mould. I liked that there was a flow, not unlike that of abundance, to the workshop and that the other participants had as much fun as I did, never mind being as blown away as I was.

Navi Pillay
Yabba Dabba Do! Centre of Creativity
Durban, South Africa

Hi Allison
It is with the greatest pleasure that I send you my feedback on The Art of Manifesting Abundance Workshop.

I believe that we are divinely guided; even more so from my experience of meeting Allison. I recall seeing her advert; and intuitively knowing that it was imperative for me to attend her abundance workshop. I attended the abundance workshop in July 2004. From being a broken; fragmented and always broke single parent; the workshop was a catalyst and beginning of a journey into wholeness; and becoming all I could. The abundance workshop taught me the true meaning of abundance; not only materially (an area in which I have made great strides); but also of spirit; and finally coming into my own. Coming from a harsh; unloving and painful environment; the workshop has enabled me to transcend the pain and darkness and turn it into my own personal power; becoming a beacon of light. This investment I made in myself; has paid off over and over; and the best is yet to come…..

Oct 2006
East London
South Africa

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