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Category: Children & Childhood Issues

Empowering Teenagers Workshop

Empowering Teenagers Workshop

Is your teenager struggling to cope with all that life is throwing at them? Are they struggling with anger, frustration and a sense of hopelessness? Then this is the workshop for them! Attending this workshop will powerfully change your teenager’s outlook on life, belief in themselves and their ability to mould their own future confidently. Designed to equip teenagers with the tools to navigate their teenage years, this powerful workshop covers: clearing past and current mental and emotional issues and…

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Children and Childhood Issues

Children and Childhood Issues

Many of the problems experienced in adulthood have their root cause in childhood experiences. What is the cause of stress in children? Stress in children’s lives can be due to the effect of: a negative situation at home stress with their parents peer pressure pressure regarding grades medication anaesthetic sports injuries. Energy Healing can keep a child at anĀ  optimum level for school and sports. One may be unable to change the circumstance that the child is in, but energy…

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